Vaccinations 2030
At the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly on the 25 September 2015, member states adopted 17 Global Goals to end extreme poverty and build a better world by 2030. Sustainable Goal 3 promotes the well-being for all at all ages, as being essential to sustainable development.
One of the targets is to: Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all.
Routine immunisation services are central to improving the health of children around the world, and are widely recognised as a high-impact and cost-effective intervention, which can help prevent mortality and morbidity.
2 to 3 million lives are saved each year by vaccines but a further 1.5 million children per year could be saved with increased vaccine coverage and only 5% of children in the world receive all of the 11 WHO recommended vaccines.
The UK Government has been an international leader in global health and has been a particular champion of vaccines over the last two decades.